Wednesday, October 24, 2012


There are 4 major things you need to do for the INSERTING assignment:

1) inserting a UFO over OCHS

2) putting your FRIEND into a HISTORICAL photo/situation

3) improving my SUBARU digitally

4) combining animals to make a NEW COMPOSITE ANIMAL

You will be graded on your Believability and ability to make a CONVINCING final piece-
Take your time!
Work on details!
ASK your peers how it looks and TAKE THEIR ADVICE!!!

DON'T FORGET- for full credit, you'll need to post the ORIGINAL source images of each of your INSERTS.

These are DUE, in your INSERTING folder in your PhotoBucket, by NOV.2nd, for 20 points--- and fill out an EVAULUATION SHEET when you are done!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you maube post the subaru pic here?