Thursday, October 11, 2012


Yes... You have a chance to achieve FAME AND FORTUNE by submitting your ONE SINGLE BEST SHOT for consideration/inclusion in the upcoming YEARBOOK!!!!

This can be a photo of WHATEVER from any past assignment, just make sure it is your best work from this class thus far.

COME UP to the TEACHER COMPUTER, go to your PHOTOBUCKET, save your best pic (full size- not a tiny thumbnail) to the YEARBOOK FOLDER on MY desktop...

You put your name in spot 12 on the list- you rename your pic 12.jpg when you save it to the folder...

HEY! just because you save an image on the dfolder DOES NOT MEAN it will be in the yearbook- this is just an opportunity here people... The yearbook staff will have to choose which ones they want to include- so we'll see... GOOD LUCK!

(oh yeah... it is 5 points extra credit to submit a pic, whether or not the yearbook includes it...)

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