Friday, September 21, 2012


Check out at LEAST 3 of the photoshop/contest galleries at :

Out of the ones you looked at, WHICH GALLERY did you enjoy the most?
How long do you think people work on these images?

How much practice do you think it takes to get 'good' at photo manipulation?

WHAT SORT OF JOB could you see someone getting who is a -photoshop master- ????

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Anonymous said...

Get Over It was my favorite and I think it takes a long time to make these probably around a couple days or so. I think you need a lot of practice because you need to make it look almost realistic and put a lot of time and thought into it. I think a job you could use it in is like video games or making weird cool posters.

S.Quintanilla. Per 1

Anonymous said...

I just looked at the first page and i was already interested it was something i was not expecting! Its super good but i think this would take a while to actually get what you are doing. This thing has a lot of practice and i don't think i would ever be able to do it myself because I'm not that talented! They would probably be like that famous person that makes celebrities not look like who they actually are. Its a really good idea I'm glad someone had the actual ability to do stuff like that!

H.Cooper Per.1

Anonymous said...

my favorite was probably perspective.i think some of those photos could have took a long time while others not so much. i think even if you just do it in your spare time you can get good at it. i could see a "photo shop master" getting a job in ads , or paparazzi.

A.Johnson P.1

Anonymous said...

The gallery that I enjoyed the most was bubble one. I think the images that have been edited a lot took a long period of time to do, and the other pictures that weren't edited as much didn't take as much time to edit the other ones. I think you need a ton of practice to get a good photo manipulation because you can't just do it for the first time and master it.

B. Watson Period: 1

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the photography album because it was of real pictures, not weird stuff. I think it would take people a couple of days to do some of these photos. You would have to take lots of photos to become good at photo manipulation, it would take some time. I could see someone getting a job for something to do with cartoons.

T.Horne P.1

Anonymous said...

The gallery I enjoyed most was the chopped beef one, I thought it was hilarious. I don't think people take that long working on these images because they're pro's at it and they do it all the time. I think it takes a very very long time to get good at photo manipulation. I think a paparazzi would have this job as a photoshop master.

S. Matheson Period. 1

Anonymous said...

Hair Don't was my favorite, because on most of the pictures, it looks as if those people really had that type of hair. I think it takes years of practice to be "good" at certain photoshop skills. For a job, I can see these people getting a career like design, or advertisement.

J.Richardson P.1

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the one with puppets. I think these pictures take forever. I think it probably takes a couple years to get good at photo manipulation. I could see someone whose good at photo shop editing magazine pictures.
-A. Haunschild Per.1

Anonymous said...

I really like the pictures where the person is walking with the ice shoes. I think it was really creative. I also like when the person steps up, there is the little pool of water left from the ice melting. The ice shoe is a really creative idea.

D. Riley P.1

Anonymous said...

I liked the bubble album, because there was some pretty weird photos, it was interesting. One of the photos had an old man blowing bubbles out of his mouth and ears, just a little weird..
I think his photos are very cool, and fun to look at!

Erika. Zitzelberger P.1

Anonymous said...

My favorite gallery was the squirrel gallery. Something tells me it wouldn't take very long to learn how to manipulate photos, but it would take a long time to actually manipulate it. I don't think there is much of a career in squirrel manipulation but I think maybe they could design some posters and sell them.

T. Losness, Period 1

Anonymous said...

I liked the color me 48 album the best. I love seeing all the different mixes of color and the way the person put it together. I think it shows how everyone has different ideas of photographs.
K.Derschmidt P.1

Anonymous said...

Perspective 2012- Oh my gosh. It's so amazing how simply tilting your camera can make something so normal see so.. New. Fresh. And kind of surreal. It makes me want to go out and look at things from different angles, and I love that. I feel like this could take either a long time, or a short time. Sometimes you just get that " Oh, wow! I really need to take a picture of this in this particular way!!" type of mini-epiphany.

Long-Term Potentiation says that doing anything over a period of time will make you better at it. Your brain simply grows from that. But it's different for every individual, so I can't really say. Some are just more in tune with the image they're trying to achieve.

Marketing, all the way. Making posters and advertisements for different firms or bands or books.

A Gonzalez P.1

Anonymous said...

Out of all the galleries, I enjoyed looking through the scary signs one. The signs were all hilarious and made me laugh. It takes so much time to take one perfect picture. People use photoshop if they're a magazine editor or newspaper editor.
K.Kolsut Period.1

Anonymous said...

I liked the album frozen motion 2012! I really liked these images and how he caught people and animals in motion. I think it would take a really long time to take and edit these pictures. I think it takes years to get good at photo manipulation. I think people who are good at photoshop could work at a magazine improving pictures of celebrities!

A.Champ p.1

Anonymous said...

I have never seen this many pictures of this type together in one place. The people who made these probably took and hour or two and more for the more complicated ones. I think it takes about a year to master photoshop to this level.
M. Silva P.1

Anonymous said...

I like the in ice on. It would take awhile but u would get faster and faster at it as u did more and more. It would take like a week to fully get the hang of it. They would probebly get a job in computer design

Anonymous said...

Throughout the galleries I liked the one with the elephant on the roof with the pigeons because it was cute. The editing they did pretty good on and looked real in a lot of them. The kind of job I think they could get is a computer designer, they could do all their photo shopping skills and all that.

V. Smith P.1

Anonymous said...

chimaera was the album that i enjoyed most. i think that people worked at least a week on these photos manipulations. i think you would need a good amount of practice to do photo manipulation so u know each tool and know how to properly use it.

-S.McQuown period1

Anonymous said...

I really liked the "Perspective" gallery. A photo that stood out to me in that gallery was "Early Morning Drive" by ShuterBug. I would imagine that people would spend hours upon hours working on these images. I saw a picture of the cast from True Blood and the photographer made them all into puppets! That would take forever I'd imagine. I feel like it would take years and years to master something like that. Though the longer you continue to manipulate photos, the better you'll get at it. A job that would be good for a "photoshop master" would be possibly editing fashion photos or photos for one of those trashy magazines that claim someone was abducted by aliens (with "pictures" to prove it).
J. Smothers Period: 1

Anonymous said...

I've made a picture like this before. it was in some computer class i was in in 7th grade. it took me a week and a half to finish it. Mr. Beck had been teaching that lesson twice a year for years so he was pretty good. but he wasn't a master.

t.hess P.1

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the bubble wrap album. I think people work on these images for hours or even days because they are turning normal objects into bubbles, and I think it would take a long time to learn how to do that.

M.Orton P.1

Anonymous said...

I liked frozen action the most. I think that they worked for a long time on the pictures they must have kept taking them till they got just the right one. I think that will would take a lot of practice to be good at that and it would take a lot of skill to be able to sit there and take just one picture and have the perfect picture like that.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the 'Frozen Action 2012' photo album because its a little bit more realistic than the other albums. It think it takes days to edit these pictures because you could be so focused in one area of the picture where you don't notice another area that might need some work. I could see a photoshop master getting a job making and editing ads for businesses and markets.

J.Rosales P.1

Anonymous said...

Out of the ones I looked at I liked the puppet master one. I think it looks really cool. I think it takes a long time to get these pictures photo shopped the way they are. and I thin kit takes a couple months time to get that skilled in photo manipulation.

c.brewer period 1

Anonymous said...

I liked frozen action the most. I think that they worked for a long time on the pictures they must have kept taking them till they got just the right one. I think that will would take a lot of practice to be good at that and it would take a lot of skill to be able to sit there and take just one picture and have the perfect picture like that.

A.Deeds P1

Anonymous said...

The galleries I enjoyed the most were cartoon pygmalion or time machine gallery. I think it could take a few hours for someone to really make a photo look good. I think it would take quite a lot of practice to become good at photo manipulation, maybe a few photos before it looked somewhat decent. A photoshop master could find a career in photo editing on celebrities or for magazines or anything that is in the media.

M.Christensen p.1

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the scary signs album the most because it had some interesting signs with weird shots. I think that some people work on these for hours at a time. Photo manipulation is intense and extremely complicated. possibly into the movie industry or fashion or whatever you want dealing with photography.
Ian M-W
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I liked the Fire 2 album the most. I liked the picture of the fire extinguisher engulfed in flames. It is definitely worth 1000 words to me. I think you have to work on photoshopping every single day for at least 10 hours a day to become good at this kind of photoshop. I think maybe you could become an animated movie maker with this kind of experience.
B. Ennis Period 2

Anonymous said...

The picture I liked most out of all the photos was the bubbly frog! I think these images could probably take a long time if you don't know what you're doing. It more than likely takes a lot of practice to be good at photo manipulation.


Anonymous said...

I like bubble rap 8. I think it would take forever to learn to do that and to actually do it once you learn to. I think it would take years of practice to learn how to manipulate photos. I think for graphic navels.

A.Thomson P.2

Anonymous said...

Out of all the ones i looked at, I enjoyed the Frozen Action gallery the most. I always love taking pictures of moving things so looking at all of them were fascinating. It probably does take a while to take these pictures because they ARE moving. They have to get it perfect so they probably do it over and over unless they have a special camera that catches it really good. Depending on the camera, they might not have to practice a lot. A photo master could get a job as a photographer.

G. Williams P. 2

Anonymous said...

Obviously the midget centaur is the best. This photo is so epic I don't even know what to say. I feel like these took a long time they are legit.
D.Jansen P.2

Anonymous said...

My favorite one was the bubble one because they were very interesting and it made me think of SpongeBob. I think it'll take a really long time to make these because they're so detailed and actually look like bubbles to me. You probably have to practice a lot to get better and faster at making this art but a job you could probably get with this is like commercials when they edit animated people or maybe work for SpongeBob! Haha!
K.Morello P.2

Anonymous said...

I really like living fashions 3. This would maybe take some one about a hour or more a day. Theres alot of practice that goes along with this. The job you could get doing this would be like advertising or you could just sell your work. Nikole kruger PRD2

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of these albums are nice. I don't have a favorite. They would need a lot of practice to do this, to make it look good. I would be a fun great job to take pictures and make things like this.

T.Beard Per.2

Anonymous said...

I think this photo is really funny. I would like to try and make a picture like that sometime. This photo must have taken a long time, thats the only reason i would not do that.

T.Fischer Period:2

Anonymous said...

My favorite album was the Frozen Action 2012. Because I like frozen action in sports. I like seeing like when someone swings a golf club, or when someone is about to dunk on someone. I think it looks really cool.

T.Fryett P.2

Anonymous said...

I thought these were weird. The coolest photos i thought were the ones with the eyes. i dont really like seeing photos look fake like most of these.

K. Nagel P.2

Anonymous said...

The gallery that i enjoyed that most would have to be the Ungodly, Unbridled Ugly one. All the pictures in this album were very catoony and entertaining to look at. I think people spend a VERY long time on editing and protecting these pictures to exactly how they want them. I think it takes a LOT of practice to get 'good' at photo manipulation, it could take one mess up of the mouse to ruin the picture you've spent months on. I would definitely not have the patience to do this.
M.Preston P.2

Anonymous said...

The gallery I enjoyed most was the "Size Matters" gallery. Some of the pictures looked like they had a symbolic meaning, and some were just funny. I think people would work on these for hours to get them to look okay. It must take years of practice to get good at photo manipulation. A photoshop master would be a good graphic designer. Adds with weird pictures get attention.

K.Seibold P.2

Anonymous said...

My favorite albums were the scary signs albums. they are really creative and very funny. The real ones would be someone frightening to actually see and the fake ones have their own humor to it.

M McClure P. 2

Anonymous said...

These photos blew my mind. I love photos like these. I think that it takes a lot of time and practice to master all these photo techniques. I love them all.

Anonymous said...

My two favorites were the Color Me one and the Frozen Action one. I thought the action one was super cool how it showed frozen moments in time that we can barley even see. And the color me one was so cool and really pretty, it must have taken a lot of time to do that. You have to be really good with photoshop to do that kinda stuff.

S. Lovell
P. 2

Anonymous said...

Oh wow those signs were so funny! I love the creativeness put in. And some of the other ones where they switch things it was cool(:
A.Lindbergp 2

Anonymous said...

The one that stuck out to me was bubbles. I like the eye picture the best though, the one where the guy is hanging off of his eye. I found that one really cool.

t. tinker p.2

Anonymous said...

Some of these look like they didn't take much effort and others look like they took a bit of work. Some of these pictures are cool and others are disgusting. I can;t see how someone could make a living off of this.

Anonymous said...

Some of these look like they didn't take much effort and others look like they took a bit of work. Some of these pictures are cool and others are disgusting. I can;t see how someone could make a living off of this.
A.Herberger P.2

Anonymous said...

Even the worst ones were better than anything I could do with a year of practice probably. Someone of the galleries were just odd while others looked great. You can tell who put a ton of time into the pictures. My favorite was the little lighthouse one. Most of them looked like real pictures only towards the end did it start getting odd.

Anonymous said...

Even the worst ones were better than anything I could do with a year of practice probably. Someone of the galleries were just odd while others looked great. You can tell who put a ton of time into the pictures. My favorite was the little lighthouse one. Most of them looked like real pictures only towards the end did it start getting odd.
J. Meier Per.2

Anonymous said...

Out of the galleries there was a contest one that used a gate, the pictures people created were beautiful. I'm guessing it took them days if weeks to edit them. I can't imaging the about of practice it aces to become good at photos hoping such realistic pictures. Probably depends on the about of time you have on your hand
~C. West Period 2

Anonymous said...

The gallery that stuck in my head was the happy signs one. All the pictures made me laugh and they were really funny. Some of them were really unique, but still funny.

M Cordill. Per. 3

Anonymous said...

They can be in a gallery and but there pictures up. The pictures are cool and look real. They also look really clear and well put together.

A.Stumbaugh P.3

Anonymous said...

My favorite one was the album "perspectives" it was super trippy and interesting! They were pretty cool pictures. They all looked different, but yet the same. Like I said, super trippy!

Anonymous said...

The kinda of job to they would get would probably be in like disneyland making posters or in cartoons. I thinks its cool it looks prety realistic.

N,Vega. p3

Anonymous said...

Out of the galleries I looked at I like the frozen picture 2012 one the most. I think it takes a lot of practice to be really good at photo manipulation. The job I think a photoshop master would be most likely to get is a photographer in a gaming industry.

B. Leonetti

Anonymous said...

I liked the perspective gallery. I think it would take a long time to get good with photo manipulation. It also depends on the person some people learn faster than others. People probally work on these images for a couple of hours.
R.Jacobs p.3

Anonymous said...

I like knot now 13 because the nature shots looked real. Some of their photos dont look the most realistic, but the ones that do look pretty good. I think to be extremely good at this and make it into a professional job, it takes a ton of experimenting and practice. However, I dont know that there are very many job opertunities in this specific field. Maybe a job for a movie company or syfy.

R. Drake Period 3

Anonymous said...

I liked the Celebrity Slideshow gallery the most. Looking at the pictures, it probably took the people a long time to photoshop the photos. I'm guessing it takes years of practice to get as good as these people can do to photoshopping pictures. A "photoshop master" could get a job as a photo editor for a magazine like "People" or one that shows celebrities.

Period 3

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed most the gallery about alien abduction, because it was just really cool. Im sure it takes quite a lot of practice to be good at it. Im sure there was a lot of work put into these pictures, it must have taken quite some time.
Kaden Sanchez
Period 3

Anonymous said...

i like the frozen action gallery its pretty cool. it looks like it takes awhile to do them. and it looks like it takes a long time to get that good and a lot of practice.

S.Snyder P.3

Anonymous said...

I thunk it probably takes a lot of practice to actually be GOOD at photo manipulation, like to make it look at least a little bit realistic. I didn't really enjoy a certain gallery the most, I thought they were all pretty cool.
S. Kutsch P.3

Anonymous said...

I liked the one with alien ships in it. It must have taken weeks to make one picture look like they do. I think it could take up as much as a year to get really good at photoshopping.
B. Comiskey P.3

Anonymous said...

My favorite gallery was probably the gallery that made celebrities look homeless. That gallery really gave people a look at what might have been. The pictures looked like they would have taken forever to edit and such. I give them props for their patience.
E. Angier p.3

Anonymous said...

From what I saw, the Celebrity Slideshow was hilarious. Although about half of it wasn't photoshopped very well and looks pretty fake, I found it funny and some of it was actually cool. I think practice is what it takes to be good at altering and manipulating photos. My dad is a graphic designer and I kind of see him as a "Photoshop Master." Hahaha

J. Gallagher Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I think these pictures are just stupid. I some of the pictures are good but most of them are bad. these are bad pictures.

Anonymous said...

some of these pictures were funny others disgusting but i thought they were all unique. i think it would be fun to make a living off of these. i liked the signs i think the best.

B.Nowland P.3

Anonymous said...

I liked the perspectives album. All the pictures were weird looking but yet pretty cool. It puts a weird spin on reality.

K.Kruger Per.3

Anonymous said...

The body art one! lots of time and dteail. it takes a lot of practice to get every little detail right and to make it look real. a legit job
D.Podloujnyi Per.3

Anonymous said...

These are super finn pictures. I love them they are actually pretty funny. I think that people who are photo shop masters could get a job in paparazzi

Anonymous said...

The gallery I enjoyed the most is the perspective 2012 gallery. I think it took them a few months to finish all the images in this gallery. I think it takes a lot of practice, because when we were just working with the few photoshop tools i was getting pretty frustrated, because it would not turn out to look real at first. I think that someone who is a photoshop master would probably be a person who takes pictures of models, because they have to look a certain way and nobody is perfect.
S.young per.3

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed sightings 15 the most as I think the whole alien spotting photoshop artwork was a great idea. And I would think it would take a lot of time using photo shop and getting to know the program to be 'good' at photo manipulation.
All sort of jobs could come out of that, from the magazine editors who edit the cover photo's to the people who edit movies.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed sightings 15 the most as I think the whole alien spotting photoshop artwork was a great idea. And I would think it would take a lot of time using photo shop and getting to know the program to be 'good' at photo manipulation.
All sort of jobs could come out of that, from the magazine editors who edit the cover photo's to the people who edit movies.

J. Brady Per.3

Anonymous said...

I think i like the frozen action on best because i like seeing the moment before they do it. Maybe a graphic designer or something.

B.Little Per.3

Anonymous said...

I like the hide and seek 6 gallery. It has pretty cool pictures. Honestly some are really wierd and i don't know how they come up with them.

S.Orozco P.3

Anonymous said...

The gallery I enjoyed the most was Cartoon Pygmalion. I bet that people work for months on these pictures. It probably takes tons of practice to actually make it look 'good'.

E.Wymore Period 3

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the bubble gallery the most cause they made lots of things into bubbles. I think that these people take at least 6 hours to do these pictures. It takes lots of hours of practice and lots of tutorials to make these kinds of pictures. I would think that these people would have a job in advertising like with modeling.

S. Jost Per 3

Anonymous said...

I liked the one with the froggy bubble. I think it would take a long time because they have a photo shop. A while you have to get a hang out it. I see someone getting movies or news something they have to manipulate for a better story.'
E. Berry. p1 absent

Anonymous said...

They were flat out weird. People probably take a lot of time to work one these. Im guessing a ton of practice. I dont know.
M. Melhus P.2

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed "How Do You Hide An Elephant" the most. I think it probably took hours to develop this kind of art. To practice this you must have to practice just as much as you would if you were playing a sport.
L.Katzberg Period 3

Anonymous said...

Some of these look like they didn't take much effort and others look like they took a bit of work. Some of these pictures are cool and others are disgusting. I can;t see how someone could make a living off of this.

J. Benjamin

Anonymous said...

Some of these look like they didn't take much effort and others look like they took a bit of work. Some of these pictures are cool and others are disgusting. I can;t see how someone could make a living off of this.
A.sprague p 2

Anonymous said...

The huanted galliers are my favorite. It is really good art work. I wish i could change photos as well as this photographer did.

J.Martin per. 1