Thursday, September 27, 2012


I could spend all day at this site.

The galleries are limitless and the photos are stunning.

NAT GEO photographers get to travel the world and point their lenses at the most exotic locations on earth... It is the most COVETED job in photography...

Where do you think you'd like to visit (worldwide) and take photographs?

Where on earth, if you won the lottery, would you go simply because you've seen beautiful images from there?

If you could OWN a photobook of a certain place on earth, what location would you choose and WHY???


Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
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A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.


Anonymous said...

If I could visit anywhere to photograph things it would be ireland. It's beautiful! If I won the lottery, it would still be Ireland. Or that stone Jordan city!! I would own a photobook of places like Easter island or Stone Henge. Those places fascinate me!

Anonymous said...

If I could visit anywhere in the world to take photos, I would chose to be in South America, around Machu Picchu. I would head to the Caribbean if I won the lottery, because of the nice scenery. If I owned a photo book, it would be in the Artic, because it's rare to get the pictured from such an area.

J.Richardson P.1

Anonymous said...

If I could visit anywhere to photograph things it would be ireland. It's beautiful! If I won the lottery, it would still be Ireland. Or that stone Jordan city!! I would own a photobook of places like Easter island or Stone Henge. Those places fascinate me! And I definitely forgot to put my name...

A Gonzalez P1

Anonymous said...

I would love to visit the Galapagos Islands to take photos. I would really like Indonesia, after all it has over 10,000 islands. Anywhere with soft, white sand and clear, blue water would be a location I would like to look at every day.

T. Losness, Period 1

Anonymous said...

I'd like to travel to Alaska to take photographs. If I won the lottery I'd go to Hawaii because it's amazing. If I could own a photobook of a certain place on Earth it would be Africa because they have elephants, and lions, and giraffes.

S. Matheson Period. 1

Anonymous said...

I would wanna go to africa and take pictures. I Have always wanted to go to parts of europe and africa. I think that there are a lot of natural unseen things in africa and would want a book of them.
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I'd want to visit somewhere tropical or somewhere in the ocean that's amazing. Maybe like Central America. I would chose tropical underwater pictures because I like everything that's really beautiful underwater.

S.Quintanilla. Per 1

Anonymous said...

I'd like to travel to Alaska to take photographs. If I won the lottery I'd go to Hawaii because it's amazing. If I could own a photobook of a certain place on Earth it would be Africa because they have elephants, and lions, and giraffes.

S. Matheson Period. 1

Anonymous said...

I would want to visit somewhere like Australia where there is lots of cool animals with beautiful sunsets. I would want to go to Hawaii or the Dominican Republic because it's warm there and of the beaches there. If I could own a photo book of a place it would probably be Australia because I like all the animals there, and over all it's just a pretty place.

B. Watson Period: 1

Anonymous said...

I think i would like to visit the safari, or the jungle, and take pictures of the wildlife there. I would love to go to Hawaii because the pictures people take there are beautiful. I would love to own a photo book about the world, and not just one place.

c.brewer period 1

Anonymous said...

I would like to take pictures in Aferica because it is a beautiful place with a bunch of landscape and animals and culture. I think if I did win the lottery I would go there for sure. I would choose to put it in New York because a lot of people live there and go to photo Galleries.

V. Smith P.1

Anonymous said...

If i could visit anywhere to photograph i would go to the Hawaiian Islands. I love the island sunsets, but my favorite part is the wild life. I love sea turles and it would be amazing to photograph them.
K.Derschmidt P.1

Anonymous said...

If I were to travel and take pictures, it would be in Hawaii. The water there is so blue and the beaches are beautiful. If I won the lottery, I would want to travel to Europe. If I were to own a photobook of a certain place I would choose Hawaii because I miss it there so much and looking at those pictures makes me feel like I'm there.
K.Kolsut Period.1

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit a forest where there is a lot of bears so I can photograph them. If I won the lottery I would go to Brazil because they have some pretty beautiful places and animals. I would own a photobook of the ocean because it would be the hardest thing to photograph.
M. Silva P. 1

Anonymous said...

If if could travel anywhere it would be to Italy to take pictures.I would go to Italy if I won the lottery. I would want it to be from the amazon because of all the colors. -A. Haunschild per. 1

Anonymous said...

I would like to travel to any big city, or building, because i feel there are soo many random cool places you can find. I think I would travel to Greece. i would choose a photo book of Norway.

A.Johnson P.1

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit Alaska. If I won the lottery I would live in the woods because I am a hunter. It would be Alaska because of the animals that live in it.

A.Deeds P.1

Anonymous said...

i think I'd like to travel to India to take photographs. although, if i could go anywhere in the world, id go to London. My mom has this photo book of Africa, and i used to always look at it when i was little. I liked it so much cause it was of a place that was so different from where I'm from.

T.Hess P.1

Anonymous said...

Somewhere that has an amazing sunset and have wild animals everywhere. Probably like Australia because i know they have amazing things to take pictures of because knowing they have great things to capture, so i would g there because i know i would be able to capture those great moments. Probably Australia.They have great picture advantages.

H.Cooper Per. 1

Anonymous said...

To take pictures i think that i would like to go to africa because of the vast fields and wild life> there are so many things you can photogragh in africa that it it would take forever. If i won the lottery i would go to hawaii to live there with my family

G.Taylor P.1

Anonymous said...

If I could visit any place to take pictures I would go to Hawaii and take beautiful pictures of the beach! If I won the lottery I would go to Rome to take pictures. I would choose Spain because I think there culture is really amazing.

A.Champ p.1

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit all the different basketball stadiums around the globe and take pictures. If I Won the lottery, i would go to fiji because ive seen amazing pictures of that place.

J.Rosales P.1

Anonymous said...

I think I'd like to travel to Europe to places like Italy and Paris, France to capture photographs. If I had enough money to go anywhere in the world I would pick Paris because I've always wanted to travel there and the architecture is amazing! If I could own a photobook of a certain place on Earth I would choose Africa because I love wild animals and the scenary is beautiful.

M.Christensen p.1

Anonymous said...

If I could go anywhere to take pictures, it would be Colorado because I love the landscape. In my opinion, it is one of the prettiest places on earth and I would love to go there to take pictures or to go hunting. I want to go to Australia to take pictures too.

D. Riley P.1

Anonymous said...

If I could go anywhere to photograph it would by anywhere I can get a great fabulous awesome picture. I would go see all the sites in the world if I won the lottery.I dont know which book I would choose if I won one.
A.Willis P.2

Anonymous said...

If I was able to take pictures of anywhere I would probably like to go to rural Japan and China. The small villages and shrines combined with the large patty farms just seem to distill peace in me. If I won the lottery I would want to visit the villages on the islands in Holland or go to Venice and see the canals. I would want a photo book of the rivers that are in Asia.

Anonymous said...

If I was able to take pictures of anywhere I would probably like to go to rural Japan and China. The small villages and shrines combined with the large patty farms just seem to distill peace in me. If I won the lottery I would want to visit the villages on the islands in Holland or go to Venice and see the canals. I would want a photo book of the rivers that are in Asia
J. Meier

Anonymous said...

If i could go anywhere to take picture i would go places where no one else has been. If i won the lottery, and wanted to go somewhere I would go the south africa because Ive seen movies and its really pretty on the beaches. I wouldnt want one praticular place, i think id want pictures of the whole world.
M. Melhus P.2

Anonymous said...

If i could go anywhere for just the beauty of it, i would go to Europe. It had a large variety of beautiful sights, and i' ve always wanted to go there. Most of all, I'd want to go to Italy, France, and England

Anonymous said...

If i could go anywhere for just the beauty of it, i would go to Europe. It had a large variety of beautiful sights, and i' ve always wanted to go there. Most of all, I'd want to go to Italy, France, and England.

M McClure P.2

Anonymous said...

If I could go anywhere in the world to take pictures it would be africa because of all of the wild life. And if I could go to it would be Hawaii because its really pretty, i've been there three times and I love it. And if i could own a photobook of a certain place on the earth it would probably be africa cause of all the wild life.

T.Fryett P.2

Anonymous said...

If I could visit anywhere world wide to take photographs in Europe. If I won the lottery I'd go to Italy because I've seen beautiful pictures. If I could own a book of pictures from anywhere on earth, I'd pick either Sweden or Italy.


Anonymous said...

I think I would really like to visit Costa Rica and take pictures. I would definitely go to Hawaii because I ALWAYS see pictures that my friends take when they go there. They are always SO beautiful and i wish I could go there. I would choose Hawaii because i love everything that I tropical and beachy. I think Hawaii is such a pretty place.

G. Williams P.2

Anonymous said...

I would love to go to South Africa because there are so many different climates in such a small country with so much unique qualities. I would love to go to Europe North and South, from Scotland to Germany. Probably somewhere in South America or Central America because there are so many different tropical animals and amazing views.
Ian M-W
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I would go somewhere tropical because I like warm weather. Probably Jamaica I think it's so pretty there. I'm not sure there are so many beautiful places I couldn't decide.

A.Thomson P.2

Anonymous said...

If I could visit any place on earth and take photo's I would go to Hawaii because they have a very pretty ocean I could explore. If I could travel anywhere it would be to Hawaii as well because I have seen many photos and it looks beautiful. My photo book would be of Iceland and the mountains because mountains are intriguing to me.
B. Ennis Period 2

Anonymous said...

I would love to take pictures of Italy!! Such a gorgeous place and all there arcitectural ideas are just amazing!! And also ive always wanted to see itay in real life

Anonymous said...

I would go anywhere in the world to take pictures. I really would like to go to Alaska and take pictures of all the animals there. My best friend lived there my whole high school year. And i see pictures of different animals he takes, there amazing!

T.Beard Per. 2

Anonymous said...

If I could visit anywhere is the world to take photographs it would be Germany, same answer if I won the lottery or had a photobook, its simply beautiful there the landscape, the views and the culture.
~C. West P.2

Anonymous said...

I would probably take pictures in a tropical place. I think i would go to hawaii because when i went there a year ago i got awesome pictures. I think the best pictures ive seen is from hawaii.

K. Nagel P.2

Anonymous said...

I would love to take pictures of Italy!! Such a gorgeous place and all there arcitectural ideas are just amazing!! And also ive always wanted to see itay in real life

Anonymous said...

Australia that is where my birds are from. Australia because kangaroos are awesome and it is very beautiful. I want to own a book of Australia because I like Australia.
D.Jansen P.2

Anonymous said...

I would love to take photos in either hawaii or maybe even alaska. I would like to go to japan because ive seen and heard about the fashion. Nikole kruger period 2

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit any third world country and photograph the kids that live their and the families. If i won the lottery i would travel to Rome, because the architecture there is unique compared to ours here in Oregon and the US. The location i would chose for the photo book i would own would most likely be Africa, the wild life there is different than any i have ever seen!
M.Preston P.2

Anonymous said...

I would love to take pictures in europe! Ireland is probs the prettiest place ever so if i won i would want to travel and live there for a year just to expirence the culture. bahama's because of the white sand and blue water.
sprague A. period 2

Anonymous said...

I think I would want to visit australia and take pictures. If I won the lottery I would go to the bahamas because it looks really pretty there. If I owned a photo book of somewhere in the world I would choose Hawaii.

A.Boland P.1

Anonymous said...

I would want to go to somewhere like Rome to take pictures. Its really cool there. And if I won the lottery I would go to Australia because it is so beautiful from the pictures i have seen. If I could have a photo book of somewhere I would choose hawaii or the bahamas because its pretty there and it makes me happy.

S. Lovell
P. 2

Anonymous said...

I would choose Hawaii because of the amazing rainforests and water shots! If I won the lottery I would move to Hawaii for a few months to get a lot of pictures and actually be able to explore! I feel like that would be really really fun

Anonymous said...

I would choose Hawaii because of the amazing rainforests and water shots! If I won the lottery I would move to Hawaii for a few months to get a lot of pictures and actually be able to explore! I feel like that would be really really fun

Tori T p2

Anonymous said...

I would want to visit africa because of the unique animals. if i won the lottery i would go to australia to take photos. australia because it look super cool there.

S.Snyder P.3

Anonymous said...

If I had to choose a place to photograph it would be Africa. My uncle is an aspiring photographer and he lived in Africa for 8 years and some of the photos he's shot were amazing. If I won the lottery, I'd travel to France or Rome. Such beautiful paces.

J. Gallagher Per. 3

Anonymous said...

If I could go anywhere to take photographs, I would go to Africa because of all the wildlife. If I won the lottery, I would go to Hawaii because it is so pretty.

M Cordill. Per 3

Anonymous said...

If i were to travel around the globe to find a great spot i think i would go to Africa. The animals that are there wild you will not find here. I find that a motivation to go out around the world and love my job.

T.Munoz Per.3

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery I would first go to Australia because I want to visit there so bad. I would probably photograph in Australia and in some exotic rain forest that nobody has been to. That way I will know I'm showing the world something they've never seen before. If I could own a photo book of anywhere on earth I would choose either some coral reef in the tropics or a book of beaches. Because they always look so soothing and relaxing. That way,if I were having a bad day, or week, I could just open up the photobook and look at a tropical sunny getaway dream beach.

R. Drake Period 3

Anonymous said...

I would like to take pictures of Italy. I would go to Australia because the pictures i've seen. If I could own a photo book of somewhere it would be Rome because Rome is awesome.

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit anywhere where turtles are at to take photos of them. I would go to Hawaii, because it seems so warm and beautiful. I would own a book of photobook of Antarctica where penguins are, because i love penguins, but Antarctica is way too cold for me.
S.young Per.3

Anonymous said...

I would like to take pictures of Italy. I would go to Australia because the pictures i've seen. If I could own a photo book of somewhere it would be Rome because Rome is awesome.
B. Comiskey P.3

Anonymous said...

I would want to visit any place that is snowy, I think the photos of the snowy mountains and blue sky's are very good! If I won the lottery I would still probably go there. Any place Arctic-like

K. Kruger Per.3

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit Austrailia and take photographs. I've always wanted to go there and it'd be fun to take pictures of everything over there. If I won the lottery, I'd go to a tropical place. I always see such pretty pictures of oceans and water animals and other tropical things. I would own a photobook of Austrailia or somwhere tropical just because I love pictures from both places.

Period 3

Anonymous said...

I would love to got to Brazil to take photos. I love the tropical look with the colorful animals and plants as well as the energetic people.

Anonymous said...

I would love to go to Antarctica to take photos of the animals and the landscape. If I won the lottery I would definately go to Zambia in Africa because of all the animals. If I owned a photo book I would have it based on australia, because its like Africa but its not.
L.Katzberg Period 3

Anonymous said...

I would go to Australia to take photos. If I won the lottery I would go to Australia because all the pictures from there are awesome looking. If I could own a photo book of anywhere on earth I would own one of Australia because as I have said it is very beautiful.

B. Leonetti Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I would love to got to Brazil to take photos. I love the tropical look with the colorful animals and plants as well as the energetic people.

S. Jost per 3

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit Australia or Brasil. I would probably go to Alaska if I won the lottery because it is pretty there. I would want pictures of alaska because i like the snowy look but not even just the snowy look i like just everything up there!
K, Polk 3rd period

Anonymous said...

I would want to do Hawaii because the water and the nice beaches. I would want to take pictures of Hawaii's volcanoes because there very active.

B.Nowland P.3

Anonymous said...

I would love to go anyplace with clear water and nice clear weather. I love the water and all the animals/fish in the water. If the weather was nice year round, unlike Oregon, I would be able to take pictures anytime of the day without worrying about different weather.
E. Angier P.3

Anonymous said...

I think that id like to visit Australia and take photos because It has a lot of wildlife and good locations. I still think that i would go there. I would choose Australia because the wildlife and the environment there.

B.Little Per.3

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit Europe and take pictures of the whole country. I would go to Italy to look at the landscape. I would make a picture book of Europe because the beatles had a big impact over there.

D Gusinger
P. 3

Anonymous said...

if i could visit anywhere to take photos it would for sure be northern alaska / southern arctic, cause thats where narwhals live and narwhals are sick. it would be so cool to work for national geographic, they get the best of the best cameras and lenses to take those pictures and they get to visit super sweet places all around the world. if i won the lottery i would move to maui and take pictures of the land, people, and living things that thrive there.

J. Benjamin P.3

Anonymous said...

I'd want to vist areas like the bahamas and other island areas and take photographs of the underwater scenery from around those islands.
If I won the lottery I would go to the Bahamas.
I'd own a photobook of the Bermuda, I've heard the area is quite amazing.

J. Brady Per. 3

Anonymous said...

If I could go anywhere in the world to take pictures I would probably want to go to Europe..... or maybe Australia. If I won the lottery I would want to go to the Caribbean because I have seen the most beautiful pictures from there. If i could own a photo book from anywhere in the world it would be of South America.

E.Wymore Period 3

Anonymous said...

everywhere, russia asia europe some snowboarding mtns skateparks an soooo much more. deffianlty eden east from couples retrea and the bahamas. i would defiantly choose alaska
D.Podloujnyi per 3

Anonymous said...

If i could go visit anywhere in the world i would go to Brazil. I would go there because in my opinion it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. If i won the lottery i would go to Brazil. My place would't change for the photobook either. It would still be Brazil just because of the beautiful landscapes,the sun, the beaches, and the warm weather.

S.Orozco P.3

Anonymous said...

Africa Because there are so many exotic animals, and so many things going on there. Australia, and yes I have seen beautiful pictures and I just though it would be fun. I would get a book that had pictures from everywhere.

A.Stumbaugh P.3

Anonymous said...

I would like too go to Thialand to se the PANDA BEARS. The PandaBears are almost extinct so i want to see them while their still alive.
N,Vega P3

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit the rainforest just to take photographs because there are so many exotic animals and beautiful flowers and plants there that are very photogenic. If I was to win the lottery and could go anywhere just because I saw beautiful images from there would be Antartica because i love the images of the ice and the cooler region animals such as, penguins. If I could own a photobook of a certain place on earth it would have to be Antartica.

M. Whitman p-2

Anonymous said...

I would like to take photographs in Africa of all the exotic animals. If I won the lottery, I would go to Paris because all the pictures that I have seen taken there are really beautiful. If I could own a photobook of a place on earth, it would be of Hawaii and all the huge waves.

M.Orton P1

Anonymous said...

I like theses photos a lot. If i went anywhere to take photos it would be Hawaii, because Hawaii is super cool. It has a really nice envirment.

T. Fischer Period 2

Anonymous said...

I would go anywhere with marine life. I love the ocean or anything near it so i would probably Hawaii! Or i would go some where with a lot of nature because i love nature pic.
E.berry p.1

Anonymous said...

I would go to Austraila because they have beautiful desserts. The wild life is amazing and different than any place in the world. I could make a huge book just about that country.

J.Martin per.1