Monday, September 17, 2012


Check out the work of ANTON CORBIJN at the link above.

He has been taking portraits of rock stars and actors for decades.
He started out just taking pictures of his skateboarding friends.

Sounds like a 'dream job', but-
What are some possible problems a photographer could have working with RICH, FAMOUS, and BEAUTIFUL people?

What celebrity would you most like to photograph? If you had the opportunity.

How would you describe Mr. Corbijn's 'style'???

How much do you think the celebrity 'controls' the photo shoot? or do they just do everything the photographer says?


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Anonymous said...

His theme's are almost gothic in my opinion. One problem that the photographer might have is that the celebrity might be controlling and they might have little patience with the photographer. The celebrity is probably used to having it "Their" way so I would imagine that the celebrity would want to have control.

Dillon Riley P.1

Anonymous said...

I believe some issues with being a famous photographer includes the fact that the celebrity you photograph could have a big ego, and constantly drags about their life and fame. I would think of his style as dramatic and bold. When it comes to photo shoots, I think that the photographer is in charge of most of the work, and the celebrity does mostly when the photographer says.

J.Richardson P.1

Anonymous said...

I think some problems would be they had a certain length time to shoot them due to other stuff, or that they might think they're better and/or know better because they're rich and famous. I would like to photograph maybe like Enrique Inglesias. I would describe Mr. Corbijn's style as that he makes whoever he's shooting the center of the picture.

S.Quintanilla. Per 1

Anonymous said...

In his photography i think he's trying to show all different places where people come from. If i had to pick a celebrity to photograph im not sure who i would pick. I think i'd want someone unique with their own style, too make it more interesting.
K. Derschmidt P.1

Anonymous said...

I feel like your personal bias would get in the way. You see the stars only from your perpective, so photographing them in a way that they want might be difficult. And they could have your job, so that adds a little pressure. If I could photograph any celebrity, it would probably be either Morgan Freeman (his facial composition is really visually interesting, and he's an awesome actor. Discovery channel, oh yeah!) or Hugh Laurie because he's simply fantastic, and his face isn't so bad either. Corbijn's style seems really raw. He uses a lot of contrast, and seems to like monochromatic color schemes with minor, surprising pops of color; It's very edgy. The celebrity and the photographer probably have about a 35/65 split. Collaboration is key!

A Gonzalez P.1

Anonymous said...

Some problems that a photographer would have are the celeb might think they are better then the photographer, so they would boss him around. Or if they were rich and beautiful they would demand so much more then the average person. I would like to take pictures of Jennifer Aniston, only because she is so sexyyyy. But Mr. Corbijn style is too dark and sad for my taste, its almost scary pictures because the person looks sad and dark.

T.Horne P1

Anonymous said...

It is a dark and abstract photography but it is pretty cool the way he captures the person. I would probably choose carrot top cause he is so funny looking.
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty cool and special to people when there face is imaged in a creative way. I would probably want to photograph Johnny Depp because he is very famous and is used in photography a lot he captures a photo well I guess. I think the photographer does some adjustments but I think it's more them because it tells about someone and their personality in the image. I think Mr. Corbijin's style is pretty cool the way he's inspired and not just capturing the image but connecting.

V. Smith P.1

Anonymous said...

The celebrities could be very rude and stuck up. I would like to photograph Tom Daley if I had the opportunity. Mr. COrbijn's style is very creepy and dark. I think the celebrities have the most control because its them in the photograph and they could always get another photographer.

Anonymous said...

One of the main problems with photography famous, rich, and beautiful people would be that the photographs could be edited to make them look more perfect and give the public a false view of what they should look like. The photographer could get any angle of them to get a shot to make them look good or bad. I think the photo shoot is more controlled by the photographer, and if it is, you don't actually see what the celebrity is like, but more of what the photographer is like.

M. Orton P.1

Anonymous said...

rich and famous people can be very stubborn sometimes, it could be hard to give them what they want. I don't think i could take a picture of just one famous person so i would most likely photograph singers and musicians. I think mr. corbijns style is odd.

c.brewer period 2

Anonymous said...

What may be beautiful and stunning to a photographer maybe ugly and appalling to the subject being taken, it could leave a celebrity with a bad image and hurt their fame. I think he takes some pretty good pictures, it almost seems like he is taking Calvin Klein pictures. A celebrity is always going to object to some pose or something, but the photographer has to make money so both will need to compromise.

T. Losness. Period 1

Anonymous said...

I feel like if you were to take a picture of someone that was famous they wouldn't really want to pay attention to you! People who have money and don't need supporters show that they don't need help! When someone takes pictures they may not want to listen to them and do there own thing. I wouldn't want one person to photograph as long as i could photograph someone famous knowing that my picture could be shown by a bunch of people that would make me happy! I feel like his photos make him unique which is good because you don't want him to be copying someone because that would ruin everything!

H.Cooper Per.1

Anonymous said...

rich and famous people can be very stubborn sometimes, it could be hard to give them what they want. I don't think i could take a picture of just one famous person so i would most likely photograph singers and musicians. I think Mr.Corbijns style is odd.

c.brewer period 1

Anonymous said...

One problem you could have with photographing rich, famous, and beautiful people is they could be very controlling. I would describe Mr. Corbijn"s work as very bold and unique. I think the celebrity controls just about the entire photo shoot because it's their pictures they want.

B. Watson Period:1

Anonymous said...

some problems that working with rich, famous, and beautiful people is that if they are not displayed to their standards or well they can get upset and not recommend you to anyone else. the one celebrity i would want to photograph most would probably have to be Chris LeDoux. i would describe Mr.Corbijn's 'style' as eccentric or different. i think that the celebrity has a lot of control of the photo shoot because they want every thing to be perfect.
S.McQuown period 1

Anonymous said...

Lighting and weather are some problems a photographer might encounter. I think celebrities have almost all control because the picture sometimes represents them not the photographer. Mr. Corbijn has sort of like a dark abstract style to his work.
M. Silva P. 1

Anonymous said...

Not all rich famous and beautiful people would want to get their picture taken by an amature. If I had the opportunity to take a picture of any celebrity I would take pictures of Wiz Khalifa because he's my favorite rapper and I want to meet him. Corbijn's style kinda has a depressed look but also kind of a we mean business look. I think that they do everything the photographer says unless they have an idea.

Anonymous said...

Working with rich and famous people can cause problems involving pressure to give them what they want in their photo while also making it look good. If I could photograph any celebrity I would probably choose Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, or Shia Labeuf. Mr.Corbijn's style is very unique, but it has an eerie feel to it. I personally didn't like much of what he displayed on his website. I think that if a celebrity were having a photo shoot they would be more controlling than most people because they want to attract certain people in the way they are photographed.

M.Christensen p.1

Anonymous said...

Not all rich famous and beautiful people would want to get their picture taken by an amature. If I had the opportunity to take a picture of any celebrity I would take pictures of Wiz Khalifa because he's my favorite rapper and I want to meet him. Corbijn's style kinda has a depressed look but also kind of a we mean business look. I think that they do everything the photographer says unless they have an idea.

S. Matheson Period. 1

Anonymous said...

A problem photographers could have is they could be snoby and do what they want to do. They wont care what you have to say and if you dont do it there way they would probably leave the shoot. I would describe mr.cobiijns style very stressful

G.Taylor P.1

Anonymous said...

the celebrity's could have attitudes.i would most like to photograph Shawn me Corbijin's photos are musty , they are like looking through the eye of someone who want to be on the other side. I think the star has about 40% of the control, because they are needed for the shoot.

A.Johnson P.1

Anonymous said...

A problem a photographer might face when taking pictures of famous rich people is that those people are gonna be a little extreme with their portraits because they are gonna want the portrait to show what they have. If i could take pictures of anybody, it would be of professional basketball players during their game that way i get them in action showing what they do naturally in the game. I believe Mr.Corbijn's style is to depressing and dark, kind of makes it seem like everyone he's taken pictures of are dead .

J.Rosales P.1

Anonymous said...

Problems with working with celebrities could be that the celebrity has a big ego and could be very demanding and try to control the photoshoot. If I could photograph any celebrity I would definitely choose Justin Bieber<3 His style is dark and gothic like. I think his style is kind of scary.

A.Champ p.1.

Anonymous said...

working with famous people could be challenging. they might have a certain self image that they want there photograph to portray. it would be hard to capture precisely that. if i could photagraph any celeberty, id pick john rhys davies. he seems like such a cool guy.


Anonymous said...

The photographer could think that he is better then they are really. I have no clue who I would photograph if I had the chance. His style is one that captures the picture in black and white and shows it in a shadow form. They have ideas of what they want to do but the photographer controls it.
A.Deeds P.1

Anonymous said...

I think all of these pictures were really cool! I think the star has control, because the photos are of them. I think it would be awesome to take pictures of celebrities!

E.Zitzelberger P.1

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure about any possible problems that could arise from taking pictures of celebrities other than they might not like what you make them look like. And if that happens then they probably just wouldn't come back to you for more work. If I could take pictures of any celebrity I think it would be of Kid Cudi because he is outgoing and just seems like a fun person to be around. He is also my favorite rapper.

K. Nagel P.2

Anonymous said...

I think the problem with taking Celebrity's pictures would be they are very controlling. Not knowing what they want to take pictures of and how. But then they could know and want to do what they want. I would love to take pictures of country celebrity's!

T.Beard Per.2

Anonymous said...

The photographer could have a problem working with famous people because it almost makes the person look dirty, and it wouldnt pervent them well. I most likly wouldnt care the photograph a famous person. His style is dark.The celebritys probably have no control over his pictures.
M. Melhus P.2

Anonymous said...

I think this picture is interesting. It really shows what kind of style he has. It's a creepy photo but interesting.

T.Fischer Period:2

Anonymous said...

I think all of his pictures are really unique and I like them! I think celebrities like to control their pictures to make sure they look the way they want to. I like how Anton Corbijn's photos are in black and white.

T.Fryett P.2

Anonymous said...

This style seems a bit old. It looks like the pictures were edited to look like they were taken a long time ago. Taking pictures of celebrities can make someone jealous of they way the celebrities look. I know I would be. If I could photograph one celebrity, it would be Sterling Beaumon.


Anonymous said...

Major problems with photographing people would be that people are picky with photos. they expect them to come out better then they actually will. luckily we have photoshop so they can now get their unbelievably good photos.

M McClure P. 2

Anonymous said...

You have to take the celebrities picture just how they want it or you will get fired for making them look bad. I would want to photograph a celebrity because Its not my style of photography. His art work is unique. I personally don't like it but some people may.
A.Herberger p.2

Anonymous said...

His style is very real and natural. The photos have meaning and life compared to photos that have been touched up. I would love to take photos of lady gaga or maybe even some people that are not mega famous but are just sitting in the shadows. A bad thing about taking photos of famous people is that they can be demanding or very rude. Also its sometimes hard to make pictures not looked posed. Nikole Kruger PRD2

Anonymous said...

This picture Is really dark and mysterious. I think Its really cool looking with all the dark and light spots but dont really get why he's covering his mouth. If I had to take pictures of a famous person I'd pick Tyler the Creator because he'd be fun to hang with and we'd take funny pictures.
K.Morello P.2

Anonymous said...

i would like to photograph Daniel Tosh because he is the funniest guy on earth and I want to meet him. I think Corbijn's style is one single shade none of them seem to have a large variety of color. I think he takes pictures of people to kind of show who they are and what they do.
D. Jansen P.2

Anonymous said...

I think his pictures show a darker side of the celebrities. It makes them kind of scary looking and less appealing. I would personally like to photograph one direction. I think the celebrities do what they want then the photographer edits the photo the way he wants.

A.Boland P.2

Anonymous said...

The thing that caught me off surprise is he took the picture for the cover of Sams Town. Also his work is interesting though it seems like someone with a art major could do exactly what he does if given a chance. It would be difficult to work with some celebs though I bet some would be more obliging than others. The number one celeb I would like to photograph would have been Frank Sinatra.

-J.Meier Per.2

Anonymous said...

I think the star controls the photo shoot a lot. Some times the celebrity can be bossy and demanding, they could want to make the shoot go their way. If i could photograph a celebrity it would probs have to be Taylor Lautner. He's real cute.

C. Rankin

Anonymous said...

This could be a very annoying job. While working with rich people they are going to want the perfect picture and are going to be angry with you until they get exactly what they want. If I could take a picture of a famous person it would be Derek Jeter because he is a really nice person and my favorite baseball player. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to satisfy him either.
B. Ennis. Period. 2

Anonymous said...

I think possible problems would be that actors and famous people think that they run the show and want everything to go they're way. Umm I wouldn't really want to photograph any famous people because they are to dramatic for me. i would say that his style is interesting. I think that the celebrities control a lot of the photo shot.


Anonymous said...

I would describe Mr. Corbijn's photographs to be interesting to photograph famous people today. The celebrity I would like to photograph if I had the opportunity is really hard to choose. Because I would like to photograph all of them.
A.Willis P.2

Anonymous said...

Some problems with taking photos of the rich and famous is that they may not cooperate and it would probably be hard to find time to do it. His style is real, they don't dress up and it's pretty dark. Ultimately the celebrity has control but if he listens to the photographer they'll have good pictures.

Anonymous said...

Some problems with taking photos of the rich and famous is that they may not cooperate and it would probably be hard to find time to do it. His style is real, they don't dress up and it's pretty dark. Ultimately the celebrity has control but if he listens to the photographer they'll have good pictures.
Ian M-W
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I believe the problems that can occur is the celebrity might have some sort of complaint in the photos. Whether that the coloring is off or the outfits are not right, so the goal of the photographer could be to make the perfect setting, contrast, and outfit to satisfy not only the famous person and all their viewers and agents. I think celebrities have some say in it on what they may want to look like (retro, sophisticaed etc...)
A.Lundberg p. 2

Anonymous said...

It would be hard to work with celebrities because you would be pressured to have a perfect picture because everyone in the world would be seeing it. The celebrities would want everything perfect and would definitely take control. Although they would trust the photographers with some things. I would most definitely photograph Zac Efron if I had the chance to.
G. Williams P.2

Anonymous said...

Some problems that a working photographer could have while working with rich, famous, and beautiful people is they may most likely think you don't show their 'true' beauty in the picture or you may not capture how they want to look. A celebrity i would most like to photograph would have to be Austin Mahone, naked. I would describe Mr. Corbijn's style as gothic mostly, its sort of depressing. I believe that a celebrity would control the whole shoot and be very demanding, and maybe listen to the photographer sometimes.

Anonymous said...

some complications with photographing celebs would be if they didn't like your work they could totally trash your name to their friends or in a magazine. or if they bad in the picture they would blame the you instead of them not looking good that day.. If i had the opportunity to photograph a celeb channing tatum because he is such a dynamic person. his style is dark and underlining!
A. sprague

Anonymous said...

I don't particularly like his style but, I like the fact that he uses celebrities. If I could photograph any celebrity I would photograph Matchbox20, or Everlast, because I love they're music.

Anonymous said...

Some problems that a working photographer could have while working with rich, famous, and beautiful people is they may most likely think you don't show their 'true' beauty in the picture or you may not capture how they want to look. A celebrity i would most like to photograph would have to be Austin Mahone, naked. I would describe Mr. Corbijn's style as gothic mostly, its sort of depressing. I believe that a celebrity would control the whole shoot and be very demanding, and maybe listen to the photographer sometimes.
M Preston P.2

Anonymous said...

I don't particularly like his style but, I like the fact that he uses celebrities. If I could photograph any celebrity I would photograph Matchbox20, or Everlast, because I love they're music.

T.Tinker p.2

Anonymous said...

Not really sure what I think about this photography. Although I dont really like his style. Its to dark and odd for me.

K. Kruger Per.3

Anonymous said...

i dont like his style that much. i think that the celebrity has control on what they want taken. and i would photograph one direction.

S.Snyder P.3

Anonymous said...

Some problems with working with celebrities, could be that they may not want you to show their "true beauty." I don't really like his style but, I like how he uses celebrities. If I could photograph a celebrity, I don't know who I would choose. I would want someone who is unique, and not like the other celebrities.

M Cordill. Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I would describe his style as like scary. His pictures to me are kind of freaky. I would want to photograph someone like Justin Bieber, just because I think it would be fun. Some of the problems i think you could face are dealing with the stuck up, celebrities.
S. Kutsch
P. 3

Anonymous said...

Taking pictures of famous people is a normal everyday thing, but he shows takes pictures to express them as who they are. Personally i think that it would be more interesting if he took pictures of random pictures to show them who they are. But he does portray them in a unique and interesting way.
L. Katzberg Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think you the photographer as the most control over the photo shoot. But the celebrity as a little bit of saying because they are the ones making it look good. But the have to work together to get the best picture because the model or the person has to pose.

A.Stumbaugh P.3

Anonymous said...

I think a possible problem when working with celebrities would be that they would want to do his/her own thing. If I got the opportunity I would like to photograph WIll Ferrel because he's my favorite actor. I don't think the celebrity controls the photo shoot that much, if at all.

B. Leonetti Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I don't really like his style of photography. I think that the celebrity's probably control the photo shoot. I would defiantly photograph James Franco.

E.Wymore Period 3

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of problems that can pop up like if they don't like your photo's then they'll fire you. Or if the rich person is all cranky and moody they'll fire you.i would deffiantly photograph Megan Fox. Mr. Corbijn's style is more in depth of the person inside. And i think the photagrapher owns the photo shot, but the famous person will show them or tell them who they are inside and what they wanna show in that photo.

Anonymous said...

Some problems that Corbijn could face is the pressure of getting the "perfect picture" that stars would want. Also, he could risk the problem of the famous people accusing him of taking a "papparazi" picture or taking a picture that supposedly wasn't real. I think taking pictures of Amanda Seyfreid would be fun, just because so many people think I look so much like her. I would describe Corbijn's style as abstract and weird with his lighting choices and even photo choices. I think the celebrity decides to have a lot of control in the photo shoot because they want a picture to look good and not have a picture published or put a picture in a magazine where they look terrible.

Period 3

Anonymous said...

A job like this sounds like it would be fun but at the same time a very ruff job. Working with celebrities could be very hard. The attitude you could possible get from them could be something you couldnt handle. Plus you need to make them look good.

T.Munoz Per.3

Anonymous said...

I think these photos are really good. They aren't just for the beautiful aspect of a face or famous person, they show how the person has lived their own life and not whats on the outside but on the inside. I do think the famous people have a lot to say in a photo shoot, however, its not them leading the whole shoot but the photographer controlling it. A large problem a photographer could have when shooting rich, famous people is that they have many connections. So as long as you dont screw up, you wont have to worry too much. :)

R. Drake Period 3

Anonymous said...

i dont really like this style of photography its to dark for me. if i were to take pictures for a celebrity i would want to take photos for Travis Pastranna because he does crazy things.

B.Nowland P.3

Anonymous said...

I would describe Mr. Corbijn as real. From what I saw he take pictures of what makes these people famous or just another perspective that no one ever thought of. I think the celebrities have little to no controle in a photo shoot.

S. Jost Per 3

Anonymous said...

Some problems with taking pictures of Rich, famous people would be that they would try to control everything with it. If I had the chance I would photograph of Cage The Elephant because I could play with the dark, modern theme they have.
B. Comiskey P.3

Anonymous said...

I think that Corbijin's style is dark and serious. A problem with doing photos of celebrities is taking a photo that they may not like. Another problem could be the fame of being a photography and all of the pressure.

D. Moody Period 3

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of problems that can pop up like if they don't like your photo's then they'll fire you. Or if the rich person is all cranky and moody they'll fire you.i would deffiantly photograph Megan Fox. Mr. Corbijn's style is more in depth of the person inside. And i think the photagrapher owns the photo shot, but the famous person will show them or tell them who they are inside and what they wanna show in that photo.
D.Podloujnyi Per.3

Anonymous said...

This style of photography is different. But they way he uses the lighting is really cool. The pictures are really touching.

D Guisinger P.3

Anonymous said...

Some possible problems are they way could treat you. The celebrity that i would like to photograph would be Chaz Ortiz. I would describe it as his own style. I think that the celebrity says what he or she wants, and the photographer works with it.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't like his photography because you can't really see the person that well. It's a little unusual but also one of a kind. Everyone has their own way of taking pictures and this is his.

S.Orozco P.3

Anonymous said...

His style of photography is dark but has a light aspect to it. The majority of his pictures, I like. I would take pictures of my favorite band, Sleeping with Sirens because all the band members are diverse and way more down to Earth than other celebs.
E. Angier P.3

Anonymous said...

There could be so many problems with taking pictures of celebrities, seeing as they aren't the most cooperative bunch. I would describe his style as realistic, and sort of gritty.
Kaden Sanchez
Period 3

Anonymous said...

Anton Corbijn , his photos seem a little dark, he makes a lots of hard shadows. If I could take pictures of someone famous it would be William Levy because hes soo SEXAY!!:)

N,Vega P3

Anonymous said...

So,e possible problems are that the actors and actresses would be too snippy. They would want everything to be perfect and some pictures look better rough. This man did a really great job working with things that aren't necessarily good for photos!
K. Polk Period 3.

Anonymous said...

I think the lifestyle of the Rich and Famous would impede in the artists work, such as what type of setting and scenery a shoot has.
If I had to take a picture of somebody who is famous I would have to go with Will Smith for the personality that you can see in his shots.
Corbijins style is a little dark and sort of mysterious along with a sort of Gothic look.

J. Brady Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I cant decide wether i like this form of photograph or not. some of the pictures are interesting while others are confusing or just plane weird. its a good concept and i'd like to learn how to do this. if i could take a picture of any celebrity it would be Will Ferrel, for sure.

J.Benjamin P.3

Anonymous said...

I think his style is simple and real, but I like it. If I chose a celebrity to photograph it'd be Adriana Lima, she'd be easy to photograph her because she's stunning! I think when a celebrity hires someone to take pictures of them they are more in control but they do take direction.

J. Gallagher Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I think that a problem with working with the rich and famous would be that they would want it to be about them. I would most likely take a photo of the lead singer of avenge sevenfold Matt shadows if I had the opportunity. I would describe Mr. Corbijn's 'style as casual or natural. I think they have a little control as in picking options that the photographer has chosen.

Anonymous said...

I think the main problem with doing photo shoots of celebrities would be dealing with their giant egos and some of them might be really snobby. If I could do photograph a celbrity it would be Megan fox she's hot. I think that Mr.Corbijn really shows how the people realy feel in his photos. I also think the celeberties have very little say in their photographs.

Anonymous said...

He might have trouble photographing rich and beautiful people because there is a lot of pressure to make them look even MORE beautiful since he is a very famous photographer. Their expectations would be higher with him.

Anonymous said...

He might have trouble photographing rich and beautiful people because there is a lot of pressure to make them look even MORE beautiful since he is a very famous photographer. Their expectations would be higher with him.
J. Smothers period: 1

Anonymous said...

Some possible problems are they way could treat you. The celebrity that i would like to photograph would be Chaz Ortiz. I would describe it as his own style. I think that the celebrity says what he or she wants, and the photographer works with it.

B. Little Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I would love to take photos of Magen Fox becuase she is sexy as hell. These portraits show peoples story in there face. Where they have been and what they have done. I like it a ton.

J.Martin per.1