Monday, September 17, 2012


The FIRST step in this project is to IDENTIFY the concept, SEARCH online for photos that illustrate each concept, and then SAVE/POST them in your PhotoBucket folder called COMPOSITIONAL TECHNIQUES.

Each photo must be LABELED (I will demo this in class) with the CONCEPT it applies to / illustrates.

You will be finding/saving/posting/labeling a total of 26 images.
It is 100% fine to ask a friend to explain a concept to you if you do not fully understand it. It is also 100% OK to ask a friend what keywords they searched for to find a certain picture.

FOR INSTANCE- you will only find photos of actual SPOTLIGHTS and such if you search for the STUDIO LIGHTING photo under the heading STUDIO LIGHTING... You have to search for a type of photograph that would be taken in a studio...

LASTLY- ONLY PHOTOS COUNT- drawings or computer generated images are not acceptable!

Photo1- formal balance

Photo2- informal balance

Photo3- selective focus/depth of field - foreground in focus

Photo4- selective focus/depth of field- midground in focus

Photo5- selective focus/depth of field- background in focus

Photo6- the rule of thirds

Photo7- another rule of thirds (to make sure you 'get' it...)

Photo8- leading lines - into the background

Photo9- leading lines - directing you towards a subject

Photo10- low horizon line

Photo11- high horizon line

Photo12- framing with nature(this does NOT mean a photo in a frame...)

Photo13- framing with architecture

Photo14- angle- bird's eye view

Photo 15- angle- bug's eye view

Photo16- angle- straight on (eye level)

Photo17- camera distance to subject- close up

Photo18- camera distance to subject- moderate

Photo19- camera distance to subject- far

Photo20- lighting- spot light (single powerful source)

Photo21- lighting- soft lighting

Photo22- lighting- natural lighting (also called 'available' light)

Photo23- lighting- studio lighting

Photo24- lighting- back lighting

Photo25- frozen motion

Photo26- motion blurred for effect

When you have completed this assignment please fill out an evaluation sheet in the cabinet located directly under the TV.
This is worth 10 points and DUE at the end of 9-18-12 (tuesday)


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