Thursday, November 15, 2012

TEXT #3- Motivational Poster

Today's TEXT assignment is creating a Motivational Poster AND a deMotivational Poster.

You see these things ALL OVER the internet... All over your dentist's office... All over the insides of your eyelids.

They can be inspirational and SINCERE- (click here)

Or sarcastic and contain cutting humor (click this)

Which do you like better?

ONE of yours needs to be MOTIVATIONAL and contain a positive message.

... the OTHER ONE can be deMOTIVATIONAL and on the funny side.

ONE of the above two needs to use ONE OF YOUR photos, the other one can
use an internet image.

THE TEXT can be taken from another poster (we call it 'appropriation' in the art world) or created NEW by YOU- if you're a clever, original person!!!

I will be showing people how to create these in PHOTOSHOP, but if you made a cube, you can use THIS SITE to make them, too!!!

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