Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today we are learning about digital INSERTING with PhotoShop- take a look at how some kids in the past have 'improved' my awesome Subaru...

The gallery is HERE.

Which one do you think is -the best-?



HERE IS THE LINK to the unedited, raw image YOU will be improving...
When you have a good idea... Make sure you CLICK TWICE on it, to save the maximum size image- before you start altering it..

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Type in your 3 sentence reply -
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Anonymous said...

I think that the best ones were the yellow submarine and the ghost buster's remake of your subaru. The worst one was the green version of your car because it was poorly edited and it didn't look all that great.

M.Christensen p.1

Anonymous said...

The best one is 53. The worst one is 45. 45 is the worst because you can just tell that it's fake and that they didn't try, it's easy to point out that they didn't take their time on it.

S.Quintanilla. Per. 1

Anonymous said...

i really enjoy the lion king one, it might be cheesy, but I don't care. i think the ones were they change the color are a bit lame, because i could do that, i dont feel like they actually inserted anything.

A.Johnson P.1

Anonymous said...

i think te worst digital insert is the photo of a red care put in with rocks ti give the effect that is is 4wheeling. the vehicle looks to small. and not flowing with the background.

G.Taylor P.1

Anonymous said...

I liked the one where the car was the Oscar Meyer wiener car. I think that is super creative. I didn't like the one next to the lion because it wasn't equivalent to the size of the lion.

D. Riley P.1

Anonymous said...

My favorite is "The Subaru King" because it is really funny how the monkey is holding it up and the lions don't seem to care. The worst one in my opinion is the one with the actual lion in it because it makes the Subaru look tiny and unrealistic.

M Silva P. 1

Anonymous said...

i think the best one is #50 because it is the most even generated no blurriness and no bad photo-shoping
I think that the worst one is #9 because you can tell it is computer generated and so obviously colored/painted on the computer.

-S. McQuown period 1

Anonymous said...

Well there is a lot that I don't think are very good, but the one I don't like is number 48. The one that I think is the best is number the one made of a hamburger, because it is cute.

V. Smith P.1

Anonymous said...

my favorites where the one where the car looked like a lady bug and the one of the car in front of the big mansion. they were really convincing. most of them weren't convincing.

T.Hess P.1

Anonymous said...

The best one is 53 because it shows the movement in it and the worst one is 43 because its just random and not really in a place that is cool it just shows that its there and not moving another bad one is 48 because you can tell its fake.

H.Cooper Per.1

Anonymous said...

The best one is when they changed your car color to white and added new rims. The worst one is the one where the the wheels have white in between the spokes. They could have found a different images of those wheels instead of being lazy.

T. Horne p1

Anonymous said...

Number 48 is my least favorite because it is the most boring. I think many of them are really cool, but my top favorites are number 50, 39 and 15.
K.Kolsut Period.1

Anonymous said...

I really liked the picture of the car when it's suppose to be superman. It looks pretty realistic. I thought the worst one was the one where they edited the car color to pink and green. You can tell it's fake because the lines look totally different, and really animated.

B. Watson Period:1

Anonymous said...

I like the transformer car one. The worst is probably the green and pink one. It's the worst because it's not that creative.

S. Matheson Period. 1

Anonymous said...

I think the best is the transformer. I think the worst was the one that just wrote the word on it. That one is incredibly simple.
-A. Haunschild

Anonymous said...

I think the best one is the one with the car being hit by the light thing and destroyed. I like it because you cant really tell that the car is Photoshopped in. I think the worst one is the one where they just tried to paint over the car with different colors.

Anonymous said...

I think the best one is the one that is in the forest. the worst is the one falling off the grand canyon. because it doesn't even look real it just look like someone dragged the picture and just dropped it.
A.Deeds P.1

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the crabby patty one :) I thought it was really cute and creative. My leaste favorite photo was the one that they just drew a school bus and it looks really fake.

A.Champ P.1.

Anonymous said...

I really like the ladybug one. I think the worst one is the panda bear one. I dont think whoever did the panda one did a good job.

c.brewer p.1

Anonymous said...

The best one is the lifted one. the worst one is where they added green cause it looks horrible. the effects are pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

The best one is the lifted one. the worst one is where they added green cause it looks horrible. the effects are pretty cool.
period 1

Anonymous said...

The best picture is the first one where its in a monster truck show. The worst one is where they made it neon green and pink because it is horrible editing. I think these effects are pretty cool because you could put two totally random images together to create a new meaning.


Anonymous said...

I really like the edited Lion King picture. The worst i think is the worst one is the wiener one. I think is the worst because it looks way too edited and its weird.
M Preston P.2

Anonymous said...

The photo that i think is the worst is the photo second to the last. and the one i think is the best is the one with the pink flower. Because the second to the last doesn't look real.

T.Beard Per.2

Anonymous said...

The best one is number 23. THe worst is probably number 29. Number 23 just looks cool when 29 just doesn't even look like the car.

K. Nagel P.2

Anonymous said...

I personally think that the best picture is the Redbull one. And the worst one I'd have to say is the Panda one. Because the Redbull picture is awesome and the panda one is somewhat poorly made. And it has legs instead of wheels!
Ian M-W
Period 2

Anonymous said...

They are all pretty good, but you can tell with almost all of them that they are fake. My least favorite is would probably be the hot dog one, because its just lame in my opinion.
M. Melhus P.2

Anonymous said...

My favorite picture of the Subaru is number 8. I like it because it actually looks like a car and a pretty cool Subaru. The worst one is the pink and green one.

T.Fryett P.2

Anonymous said...

I think that the panda one was the best! It was really funny. I think that the transformer on was the worst.

Anonymous said...

I think the best one is the one that is saying Help when it is going over a clif. The worst one is the one with the panda. because it doesnt look so cool it looks kind of weird.
A.Willis P.2

Anonymous said...

I like the crabby patty one the best. I think the worst one is number 51 ( the wet leaf one.) The crabby patty one is the best because its not something you see everyday and its funny. The leaf one is the worst because are car would never be on a leaf.

G. Williams P. 2

Anonymous said...

I think number 31 is the most realistic. And 45 is the worst it's so fake. 31 looks most real and 45 looks just fake.

Anonymous said...

I liked the one where they turned it blue and changed the rims. That was the only one that could pass as real. All the other ones you could tell were poorly done.
K.Morello P.2

Anonymous said...

The party on liebrecht was probably the most convincing, while there are a few that just have ms paint over them it seems. There are many that look bad though some are just plain odd.
J. Meier
Per 2

Anonymous said...

I liked the krabby patty one. It was creative. And the worst one was the one that was painted green. it was just bad quality.
S. Lovell
P. 2

Anonymous said...

My favorite one is the one where you are jumping in the sand. Its super funny how you do it. I want to learn how to photoshop like that because it is really funny.

T. Fischer Period 2

Anonymous said...

My favorite photo is 34 because i like pandas. The worst one is 45 because of the colors. Nikole kruger period 2

Anonymous said...

I think the best picture is number 47 and 26. They look like they weren't edited well at all. My favorite is number 50. I looks really cool.

K.Seibold P.2

Anonymous said...

I think the best picture is number 44. It just really looks awesome! I think number 48 is bad because the background being carried over didn't look blended right.
B Ennis P.2

Anonymous said...

K.Seibold *Worst. XD Not best

Anonymous said...

I think the one that is a bug on the leaf is the best. I think the worst one is the one where the car is exploding. I think it's the worst because I don't really like it that much. And I think the bug on is the best because it is cute.

A.boland p.2

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the lion king one it was really creative and unique. The worst one was the one where it was just colored and not really changes. Why? Because it didn't look realistic..
A. SPrgaue period 2

Anonymous said...

The best one is the white colored Subaru that makes it look new. The worst one is the panda one It just is not good. It isn't good because it is such bad quality it doesn't look like they tried.

Anonymous said...

I think the worst would be the ones where all they did was color the car and didnt really pay attention. The good one was the monster truck one.
A.Lindberg p.2

Anonymous said...

I like 52 because the car is the target. I didn't like the ones where they only changed the color of the car. To me it looks rather plain and boring.
A.Herberger P.2

Anonymous said...

I think that the flying bus was the best. I thought that the camp car was the worst. It looked straight up fake.


Anonymous said...

The plain paint ones don't look very good. The ones of the car shopped into the other places look really good on the other hand. It really makes a difference to take a few seconds to change some of the settings.

M McClure P.2

Anonymous said...

I think the Lion King one is the best. And I think the pink and green one is the worst. It was just scribbled over and doesnt look like that much time was put into it.

R. Drake Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think the best one is 47 because I like the lion king. I think the worst one is 32 because it is edited too much and looks weird.
M Cordill. Per 3

Anonymous said...

I think that the moster truck one is the best. And the lime green one is the worst. I think it is because it is poorly edited.

S.Snyder P.3

Anonymous said...

I would say the black colored one in the second line on page 3 is the best one out of them all, It's rather difficult saying which one is the worst as quite a few of them are pretty bad. Mostly because they are colored very poorly.

Anonymous said...

I would say the black colored one in the second line on page 3 is the best one out of them all, It's rather difficult saying which one is the worst as quite a few of them are pretty bad. Mostly because they are colored very poorly.

J.Brady Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I think the tranformers one is the best, as well as the first monster truck one. The ones where they just change the color of the car are good too, but are just kinda boring. The worst I think are number 45 and the ones who are edited way too much. They make it look unrealistic.

Period 3

Anonymous said...

Some of these are pretty well done, some are terrible. The worst is the pink and lime green colored one. The best is the white one with super good editing.

K.Kruger Per.3

Anonymous said...

I think the best one is the lion king one, because i love lion king. the worst one is the two tone car, pink and green. Because you can tell they just used the paintbrush tool and just put another color onto the picture.
L.Katzberg Period 3

Anonymous said...

I really like the lion king one it is really cool. The colorful one is they did not do a good job at all. Its not good because it looks fake.

A.Stumbaugh P.3

Anonymous said...

I think the best one is the optimis prime. I think the worst one is the one with the machine gun. I think it's the worst because it just seems so blurry.
R.Jacobs P.3

Anonymous said...

I like the Optimus prime is the best, I also think the lime-green one is the worst because it is poorly done in my opinion.
B. Comiskey P.3

Anonymous said...

My favorite is #52, not because of the accessories added to the car, but because you can't tell as much if it's photoshopped or not. My least favorite is the lion king one (47), just because it's tacky.
E. Angier P3

Anonymous said...

My favorite one was of the subaru in the halo picture. It looked funny but was pretty good at the same time. The worst one was the car that was pink and green.

T.Munoz per.3

Anonymous said...

The worst out of all of them would be 45 it look extremely stupid. My favorite was 47 because I like the lion king.

E.Wymore Period 3

Anonymous said...

number 5 i think is the best number. number 29 is just dumb it doesn't look real at all. number 5 looks real and doesn't look like somebody just painted it.
B.Nowland P.3

Anonymous said...

I dont think any of them are really that good...
The worst i think was the bus!I think that because it just looks horrible.

B.Little Per.3

Anonymous said...

My personal favorite was the super subaru, because its clever and funny. The worst was the green and pink subaru, and it was terrible. Because it was an attempt to look realistic, that failed miserably.
Kaden Sanchez
Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think the worst is the one your showed to the class, the magenta and neon green. It isn't convincing, it doesn't even really look like a car anymore. I think the best is the Transformer!

J. Gallagher Per. 3

Anonymous said...

ive doen something simular to this in middle school, but it was using a different thing. i think ive got a good idea for our custom project. this will be fun.

Anonymous said...

I think number 31 is the best looking. Number 45 is definitely the worst. I think 31 is the best because you can tell they took their time coloring it, and it looks better with that color. 45 is the worst because it just looks stupid and it looks like a first grader took a crayon and colored on it.

B. Leonetti Per 3

Anonymous said...

I think the best is the lion king picture. The worst is the ones that are too edited & look like cartoons. The lion kins is the best because it's cool.

S.Orozco P.3

Anonymous said...

ive doen something simular to this in middle school, but it was using a different thing. i think ive got a good idea for our custom project. this will be fun.

J. Benjamin P.3

Anonymous said...

The best one, in my mind, is the back to the future refrence picture. The worst is one where someone there person put lebrechit on the car and put the car body on another frame. It just doesn't look good.

S. Jost Per 3

Anonymous said...

The best one in my mind, is the one of Alisa. It looks like she could be a actual reptilin. The worst one is of Master Chief being a total scrub.

J.Martin Per. 1

Anonymous said...

The best one is 53. The worst is 43. Another bad one is 48.

A Sauceda Period:2