Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This site hosts a selection of GHOST PICTURES, it is a little hard to navigate SCROLL DOWN, but check some of them out...

Any that you find PRETTY CONVINCING?

Any that you can obviously tell are 100 % fake?

Have you ever had a mysterious 'thing' show up in a photo?

Now that you know about LAYERING and OPACITY in PhotoShop, do you think YOU could make a pretty realistic one???

DON'T FORGET TO TAKE A CREEPY PIC tonight for the creepy pic contest
(10 points, just to enter by Friday!!!)

----HOW TO POST------
Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What are you doing?????

It says that there is NO BLOG TODAY
on the white board.

So, why are you reading this?

Even NOW, you are still reading this...

What motivates you onward?

You should stop.

If you've made it this far, don't forget that the CREEPY PHOTO contest is 10 points EXTRA CREDIT- just to enter- with a possibility of 25 points if you WIN!!!

And that pic needs to be submitted to me by Friday.
Go back and check the link on the blog...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Face Merging

Do a couple quick celebrity morphs at:

How well do you think this website works?

Were your 'morphs' convincing, or just funny?

What celebrity would you add to this library/list that is NOT HERE now???

If you were to morph yourself with a celebrity, who would you morph with???

We will be DOING THIS -with PhotoShop- in class - in a few minutes- which 2 celebrities will you use for the demo/practice?

FIND 2 celebrity headshots and SAVE THEM on your DESKTOP!!!
Look for similar skintones...

Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

merge assignment

In your MERGE folder on PhotoBucket- by THURSDAY NOV.8th, you should have the following MERGES... This assignment is worth 20 points...

1) the celebrity merge we did in class as a 'practice'

2) a SAME SEX student face merge

3) an OPPOSITE SEX student face merge

4) a YOU+A CELEBRITY face merge

Like the INSERTS, these will be evaluated on how CONVINCING the final product is- THESE SHOULD LOOK LIKE REAL people!!!

These need to be put in a ROW FORMAT, just like the example on this page
( I will demo this in class)

Friday, October 26, 2012


if you'd like a glossy, 8x10 print of your BEST PICTURE this far, for this class,

I will print it out for you.

I would like to display these BEST PICS
(from portraits, still life, or fashion)
for a few weeks in a display case here at school-
but when they come down-
it's all yours.





Wednesday, October 24, 2012

composite animals

Again, here are some good and bad examples from past students-


Any exceptionally GOOD ones?

Awful ones?

How could you fix one of these to make it better?

Do you think it should be illegal for scientists to pursue genetic manipulation?

What combo-animal would you, personally like to see?
To own as a pet?

----HOW TO POST------
Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.


There are 4 major things you need to do for the INSERTING assignment:

1) inserting a UFO over OCHS

2) putting your FRIEND into a HISTORICAL photo/situation

3) improving my SUBARU digitally

4) combining animals to make a NEW COMPOSITE ANIMAL

You will be graded on your Believability and ability to make a CONVINCING final piece-
Take your time!
Work on details!
ASK your peers how it looks and TAKE THEIR ADVICE!!!

DON'T FORGET- for full credit, you'll need to post the ORIGINAL source images of each of your INSERTS.

These are DUE, in your INSERTING folder in your PhotoBucket, by NOV.2nd, for 20 points--- and fill out an EVAULUATION SHEET when you are done!!!


Today we are learning about digital INSERTING with PhotoShop- take a look at how some kids in the past have 'improved' my awesome Subaru...

The gallery is HERE.

Which one do you think is -the best-?



HERE IS THE LINK to the unedited, raw image YOU will be improving...
When you have a good idea... Make sure you CLICK TWICE on it, to save the maximum size image- before you start altering it..

----HOW TO POST------
Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tilt Shift Photography

Look at OLIVIO BARBERI's tilt-shift work at:

This is a simple process. After mastering a few tools in PhotoShop - he has made a career for himself.

Blur background and foreground-
UP the contrast.

Describe WHAT this process DOES to the photograph.

What do these look like?
Do you like it?

Which TYPES of photos seem to WORK BEST for this concept?

----HOW TO POST------
Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Where'd her LEG go????

This is a site that tries to expose some of the VERY BAD
and amateurish ways some magazines and websites manipulate their photos.

some of these images are a bit 'saucy'- even badly photoshopped sex sells )... so be mature and DO NOT GO INSANE!!!!

Take a look:

Check out the categories on the right-hand column.

You might think you are no EXPERT in photoshop, but these people are getting paid handsome salaries to do... THIS!

Talk about one particularly awful one that caught your eye...
Talk about one you probably wouldn't have noticed on your own...
Maybe talk about one that EVEN YOU could have fixed...
Or talk about one that doesn't look like a mistake at all, but a creative/artistic decision...

Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


That's right kiddos- time for the first contest of the trimester.

Take, edit, and ENTER a CREEPY PHOTO for the first ever-


Halloweenie things are all around this time of year- be funny- be non-traditional- these will be voted on by your peers... So, what would OTHER students think is creepy?

SUBMIT your single image by EMAILING it to MR.L at:

MAKE SURE your NAME and PERIOD is the SUBJECT LINE of the EMAIL- or your submission will be deleted before I even see it.

(For example: nicholasliebrechtPERIOD3)

These are DUE on NOV.2nd.
It is worth 10 points to submit a pic.
AND- THE TOP 3 winners will get 25 points ex. credit!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

double check

NO BLOG today or tomorrow-

This should give you adequate time to SCAN BACK and make sure you haven't missed a blog entry here-or-there over the past 6 weeks.

Go ahead and add the ones you've missed!

I'm grading these on Friday and, at 3 points a piece, they can really add up!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

space blog

SPACE has been in the news alot this past week as a fellow SKYDIVED from 24 miles up AND a new, DIAMOND planet was discovered...
Happy SPACE day!!!

A break from planet Earth today as we turn our eyes (and cameras) skyward...
Click on the month of your birthday on the link below-and scroll through some of NASA's photographic archives-

Is there one you like?

What is it of?

Describe it and state why it looks cool...

Or describe one you don't like and why it fails to impress you...

Or do both,
Does the one on your birthday have any mystical connection with YOU?

The link is here:

THIS is the last blog before I grade them for the MIDTERM GRADE- it would be a GREAT IDEA to scroll back through the past ones and MAKE UP any blogs you may have missed- remember- they are worth about 3 points each- so that can really add up!!!


Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

JONES SODA extra credit

If you want to earn some EASY extra credit, upload some of YOUR PHOTOs from this class to Jones Soda.

Each one is worth ONE POINT, and you can earn up to 10 points... You have to do this and SHOW ME by Thursday OCTOBER the 18th...

A few caveats:
1- the image must be TAKEN BY YOU
2- any people in the image must give their consent if your label is chosen
3- the first 3 you upload should be from ASSIGNMENTS for this class, the rest can be from you past history of photographic imagery.

Here's the link:

Monday, October 15, 2012


How good are you at spotting manipulated images?

In the second 6wks of this class we will be learning all about digitally altering images with PhotoShop... Here is a PREtest-

..and then HONESTLY post your score as today's reaction-
which ONE was the most difficult?


Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Yes... You have a chance to achieve FAME AND FORTUNE by submitting your ONE SINGLE BEST SHOT for consideration/inclusion in the upcoming YEARBOOK!!!!

This can be a photo of WHATEVER from any past assignment, just make sure it is your best work from this class thus far.

COME UP to the TEACHER COMPUTER, go to your PHOTOBUCKET, save your best pic (full size- not a tiny thumbnail) to the YEARBOOK FOLDER on MY desktop...

You put your name in spot 12 on the list- you rename your pic 12.jpg when you save it to the folder...

HEY! just because you save an image on the dfolder DOES NOT MEAN it will be in the yearbook- this is just an opportunity here people... The yearbook staff will have to choose which ones they want to include- so we'll see... GOOD LUCK!

(oh yeah... it is 5 points extra credit to submit a pic, whether or not the yearbook includes it...)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

ABstrACt stILL LifE

To me, the ABSTRACT still life photo is the most difficult to DO RIGHT.

Take a look at TOTKU's work.

AND type 3 sentences about your OPINION of his work.

OR discuss WHY someone would be attracted to THIS type of photography instead of photographing people or RECOGNIZABLE things...

OR WHICH of TOTKU's images could you see yourself hanging above your couch someday...? WHY do you like it?

-------HOW TO POST--------------
Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

stunning still life photos

REMINDER- The NATURE assignment is PAST DUE!!! Don't forget to turn in a SELF EVALUATION sheet! I am grading these TONIGHT!!!... or Wednesday night...

So your NEW assignment -(I'll talk about it Today)-is STILL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHY, see the Blog post before this one.

As always, it is good to see how some
PROFESSIONALS approach this subject-
To INSPIRE you...
Scroll down through these 35 examples of amazing recent STILL LIFE photographs-

The questions are-

Which one of these do you think was the hardest shot to set up?

Which one do you think uses LIGHTING or COLOR the best?

Which one do you think is too CLUTTERED?

Which one do you think is the MOST DRAMATIC or EMOTIONAL?


Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.


This assignment is only 7 photos, BUT each one should be a very thoughtful and CONTROLLED set up of objects.

For full credit, you'll need to post each ORIGINAL IMAGE in your STILL LIFE folder in PhotoBucket AS WELL AS each image AFTER IT has been edited.

This assignment is DUE OCT18th and will be worth 40 points... Yes, it is a BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And it is the last grade before the MIDTERM grades are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've done people, things, and nature- now it is time to GET ARTY and let your creativity interpret these shots in weird, interesting ways...

1- Symmetry- In this picture, you are trying to take a picture that looks the same on the right side as it does on the left side, the objects do not have to be exactly the same, but it should be compositionally close...

2- Abstract - This is a photograph where you can't really tell what the objects IS.. It should be an interesting shape, texture, or pattern, pleasing to the eye- but a mystery!

3- Food - You're going to be arranging some food to be aesthetically pleasing... This can be anything food related, an obscene amount of plentiful overload, a football party spread, a birthday dessert, a romantic dinner, food growing in the garden, a meager snack, or your favorite meal... be sure to control the frame and only include things you INTEND to be in the picture!!!

4- Non-Sequitor-
In this shot you are putting some object (or group of objects) in an unusual place for them to be in- By placing objects out-of-context, you create new meaning... A stuffed animal placed in an oven becomes a metaphor for animal abuse... A book in a tree translates into The Tree of Knowledge...

5- Ancient History - In this picture you will be photographing a thing or collection of things that are OVER 10 years old... Decaying and moldy objects can still be quite photogenic!!!

6- Chaos - This picture will depict the disorganization of life- you can find a place that is messed up or create a space that is messed up, BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! Looking down in a garbage can at school may not be as photogenic as a drawer full of jumbled colored pencils... They are both 'chaotic' but the pencils would definately be more worthy of a photograph...

7- METAPHOR- your challenge in this one is to arrange objects that REPRESENT one of these 4 BIG themes- Love, Death, Family, or Power. How can you illustrate the idea of POWER by using large or small objects? Can you find objects that depict a visual notion of what LOVE is? This one is a 'toughy'... It may help you to look up the word METAPHOR, if you just don't 'get it'...


See the film - Born into Brothels before OCT. 18th

It is 85 minutes long, awesome and inspiring... but it DOES have some colorful language and situations... BE WARNED... it is extra credit because I couldn't show it in class- it is about a photographer who goes to document prostitutes in India... but ends up teaching their KIDS about photography instead.

It is on NETFLIX, and even on youtube for free, in about 10 segments...

ON THE 18th- I will ask a single, simple question- which is easy to answer if you've SEEN the film.

Answering correctly will earn you a sweet 10 points.

Easy, cheesy...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fashion Option

NO BLOG TODAY, but here is an OPTION.

This Magazine Cover Generator is easy to use- if you use it on/with one of YOUR fashion pics, you can SUBSTITUTE it in for one of the required shots.

(meaning, if you do this you could skip the ISOLATED shot, for example...)


It works best if you do it, hit the CREATE button to preview it, and then GO BACK
by hitting the EDIT button, and move text around and retry it a few times... to place the TEXT where it doesn't INTERFERE with the image.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Take a look at these ANIMAL FASHION pictures-

What level of education/skill/training do you think the photographers for this site possess?

Do you think YOU could control animals enough to get them to 'pose' for you?

Would it be easier or harder to pose/control a dog or a person? (I won't even ask about a cat...)

Would you ever consider PAYING someone to take a good portrait of your pet?

Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Notable as a FINE ART photographer who LEGITIMIZED fashion photography by treating just as seriously as any other subject,

check out IRVING PENN's work HERE.

BEWARE- some of his work handles mature artistic themes- BE ADULTS!

After looking at his work,

Use these words in your 3 sentence answer: Lighting, Pose, and MOOD.

-----HOW TO POST------
Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

THIRD part of the video

The 3rd and final part of this video happened in class today...

Did you miss it?

If you missed school TUESDAY, you did...
(and the 10 points of notes that went with it)

on Oct. 15-18 when these videos replay in class.


COMPARE THESE TWO very very different fashion photographers...

Roy Cox
Richard Avedon
(click on their names for the links)

Which one's work are you more drawn to?

Which one do you think GOES TO GREATER lengths to SET UP their shots?

Which one would you rather have take YOUR picture?

Which one has a more recognizable style?

How would you describe the LIGHTING techniques each one uses?

-----HOW TO POST------
Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Street Fashion

Much different than 'runway' or 'magazine' fashion photography, this type of fashion photography is more about what REAL PEOPLE are wearing RIGHT NOW.

It is more of a documentation than a sales pitch.

Check out:

... And click on a couple country links on the RIGHT SIDE box...

Which country do you think has the most PROGRESSIVE or INTERESTING street fashions?

Which country (other than the USA) do you think YOU'D fit in with YOUR own STYLE???

Which country do you think has the WaCKIEST or CrAZIest fashion sense???

Click on the little dark blue link below that says THE NUMBER OF COMMENTS
(to the right of the TIME display).
A POP UP window will appear.
Type in your 3 sentence reply -
- END with your FIRST INITIAL, LAST NAME, and your PERIOD.
Type the Captcha Security Code, letters and numbers.
Select ANONYMOUS as your IDENTITY type.
Hit the PUBLISH button.

the fashion assignment

FIRST OFF: Fashion Photography is -h-a-r-d---
So, do not underestimate how difficult it will be to get good shots where you control focus, background, people's expressions and poses, AND THE LOOK OF YOUR CLOTHING ITEMS!!!

These 10 shots are DUE, in your FASHION album, on Monday,October 15th- for 30 points.

Don't forget to LABEL EACH IMAGE and fill out an evaluation sheet once they are posted...

ALSO- read the EDITING REQUIREMENT at the bottom of this post - it is NEW and it will be EXPECTED on this assignment (and all future assignments in this class)

is to choose your item and RESERVE IT with Mr.L... I cannot have 30 people doing 'shoes' as their item...

The 10 shots consist of:

#1- ISOLATED item-
just the item, by itself, looking PERFECT with a completely neutral background.

#2- ENVIRONMENT item- just the item, in a set-up environment created for it (or appropriate for it)- think of the cowboy boots on the bail of hay in the barn- you find or create a background that FITS your item.

#3-#4-#5-#6- MODEL shots-
you need someone to model your item as you take various shots- each shot is different- try to control the background and CONTROL YOUR MODELs poses and facial expression!!!

#7-#8-#9-#10- THE SCENARIO-
your are telling a simple 4 step 'story' where your model is DOING SOMETHING while wearing the item. As simple a story as playing fetch with the dog- or as complex a story as a boyfriend breakup...

EDITING REQUIREMENT- in your FASHION album you need to post all of your ORIGINAL photos with the title : ORIGINAL
and then each shot should be edited in photoshop elements and re-posted with their assignment title: ISOLATED, ENVIRONMENT, MODEL, or SCENARIO

IF this doesn't make sense, ASK ME! I will take off a significant amount of points for posting/labeling images incorrectly!!!!
CLICK ---this link--- to see an example of how I want these titles and edits to look in YOUR album.